Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Raining Cupcakes

I was reading It's Raining Cupcakes. It was fantastic, the part that I was interested in most was the when her mom was opening a cupcake shop called It's Raining Cupcakes. The book was about this little girl named Isobel and she moves to an apartment so her family and her can open up a cupcake shop. She really wants to travel around the world but she cant's. But she gets a chance when she sees an add in the paper to make a recipe of an desert and the finalist get to go to New York and she's never been outside of Oregon.I had a lot of connections in this book. Like it involves cupcakes and I love cupcakes. It takes place in organ and I love Oregon. Isobel the girl in the story has a lot of problems and I do to. And I recommend it to people who like treats.

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