Monday, May 19, 2008

The Lightning Thief

I just felt that I absolutely had to post on this book. For starters, I had a lot of bad feelings for it when I opened up the cover. Even though everyone gave it such great reviews, I still had this little and quite annoying voice in my head that was saying, "This book is going to be really cheesy, you're going to hate it, this is a very bad idea." I'm not sure exactly what caused this, I just had that feeling. I started off on the very first couple of pages thinking it was mediocre. There was a hint of plot, a dash of characters, and a pinch of vocabulary. But as I continued it was like the book reached out it's arms and pulled me into it's story. When it would say something about a Greek god that I didn't understand, I would let myself puzzle over it for a little while, but then the book would answer my questions. Who is Athena? Why was she important? What the heck does she have to do with this at all? Why am I asking so many questions? I still have not finished this book, I still have high expectations.


  1. I think you are really into the book and very interested.

  2. I also felt like it was going to be cheesy and bad because the first and half of the second chapter it was very boring until Percy Jackson killed Miss Dodds. Whenever they are having long talks about gods and all that stuff about mystical creatures like the minotaur and the hell hound I get lost and I kinda get mixed up in the story but if you keep reading and reading then usually it starts to make sense and once it makes sense you do not want to stop reading. Like for instance if you are reading in class, you usually do not want to read and you are just waiting for the teacher to say OK put your books down but in this book you are hoping that the teacher will forget to say that but when she does don't be sad please don't be sad.

  3. I know how you feel Julian. I never ever ever want to leave the Lightning Thief next to me because it's so good.


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