Monday, December 15, 2008

Miki Falls

Miki falls is one of the best books I ever read. It is a manga witch is a kind of Japanese comic book. It's by a man called Mark Crilly. He is an amazing artist, and he even does tutorials on manga on YouTube. Miki is the main character in this book. This is her last year of high school, and she still doesn't like some one. On the third day of school a new kid comes. His name is Hiro. There is some thing strange about him, maybe it's the fact that he has isolated him self from every  one else, and doesn't want any friends. Miki doesn't know, but she can't stop herself from liking him.

One of my favorite parts of this book is when Miki and Hiro go on a walk on their way back it start to rain. There were thees funny circles in the back round, and i thought they were just a gate, but then in the next panel i was surprised there was a car! Then i realized  that the funny circles were head lights. The car hits Miki, and Hiro, but just barley. I was thinking how can you live through that. You are dead for sure if you get hit by a car! Then they get up. What? I thought in my head.

Miki falls may not be the most realistic of books but it is one of the bests.


  1. After reading this book, I became attached to grapic novels of al sorts. I loved this book and can't wait to read the rest of them.

  2. I just finished reading this book, and I totally recommend it to all who like reading


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