Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien


  1. I really like the hobbit. It is a really good book. I love it's cover it is a really good drawing.
    The character I admire most is Bilbo the hobbit because he was just a normal hobbit with no adventure of his own and he just made meals and stuff like that. Now he is fighting spiders, saving his freinds, and risking his life. That is very brave.
    I like this authors style because there is almost always something exciting happening and he/she does very good cliff hangers at the end of pharagraphs.
    I think that adventures, exciting, or anyone who likes cliff hangers will love this book. I think both genders will enjoy this book. This is one of the best books I have ever read.

  2. The Hobbit is a very strange book and can be quiet confusing in you listen very carefully. Also I like how nice the hobbit is because in a lots of books the main character is mean and learns to be a nice person. Also I like how the hobbit is brave and won't give up on his task even when everyone else has given up. How he was brave and talked to the dragon. The best part about the book is that there are many exciting adventures that he must save the dwarfs from after gandalf leaves. This is the best book I have ever read and always will be unless Mr. Grayson comes back with the last prophecy.

    P.S. It is in my character letter.

  3. First off, just let me get something straight. I LOVE the Hobbit. I think that it is a great book because of all the action. Like Chessy said, Bilbo is very brave. I mean, when the book started, he was fretting about not having his precious pocket handkerchief, and now he's going around with a big sword, hacking through the old forest. You gotta give him some credit for that.
    Now for my favorite character. Definitely all of the dwarfs, but especially Thorn and that one who went into the mountain with Bilbo. I don't think the dwarfs get enough credit. I mean, they go grab some hobbit, who was (back then) dumb as a doorbell, and they have to teach him everything they know! Sure, Bilbo rescued them a lot, but seriously, he woudn't have made it this far without them.
    All in all, I think the Hobbit is just a fabulous book, and I really want to read it again myself someday.

  4. I think the Hobbit is a very good book because it is packed full of action and adventure. It is also the type of book that make you wanna keep on reading no matter what part you're on. I also like it because their are lots of different types of enemies; wolves, goblins, spiders and more. Overall, the Hobbit seems like a book I'd want to read over and over again because of how much adventure is packed into it.

  5. I think the Hobbit is pretty good so far, what is a little hard for me to understand in some parts where at first Bilbo is talking then lets say Dory is talking so I really have to listen carefully. I really think that If I tried to write a book like this I would get no where because I can't really think of anything like this that is so amazing and on going that wants to make you read more. I really can't wait to keep reading on and seeing what's going to happen next!

  6. I love the book Hobbit. It is absolutely amazing. All the drawings are cool too. It is quite confusing. Thats why you need to listen very carefuly.

    My favorite character is Bilbo Baggings. He is very brave too. When He falls into danger on his and the dwarves expidetion, it turns out to be good. Sometimes. He is also very loyal to his fiends. I think that is oart of the moral to the story. Always be loyal to your friends.

  7. Ok, the book Hobbit is good but for me it is REALLY confusing! Sometimes I daze off for a second and then the next I am not quite sure where we are. I tried reading this book before and I was found a little bored, but when Maggie reads it aloud she uses the voices and says each word carefully.

    My favorite character is Gollum, because he is very funny and Maggie makes a great impression of him. He is weird looking like a alien creature. I can't remember if we have seen a drawing of him, but if not, I bet it would be GREAT! The drawings are literally MAGNIFICENT!

    I am so glad Maggie read this too us, so I could actually get a chance to read it to us.

  8. I wasn't quite sure about the book at first, but when it started to get better I loved it! I was suprised that it had some of the carecters in it that where in the movie Lord of the rings. I thought the wrighter of the Hobbit copied some of the Movie Lord of the Rings but I was wrong, cause it's the other way around. But they both are still very different.

    My favorite carecter is Smog the Dragon hes not suppost to be very smart but he knows the smell of Dorfs and I am not kiding about that. I have read a book where ther are Dragons and one steals the sparkely gold items, the dragon was a wiled one and all of them where like ponys to wride on smaller than the other ones. Now I know why Smog likes all th GOLD.

    This book is so good and you should give it a try!

  9. I really like the hobbit. It is action packed, and a real page turner. Unfortunately some times the book confuses me. The thing that gets me every time are the dwarfs. Not anything about them really. Its just that when ever Tolken is telling us which one does some thing bad I say to my self oh right keli is the 13th dwarf. How could I forget. I always loose track of which dwarf is who, and some times forget them entirely. I think that it is because most of the dwarf's names sound the same. Remembering names that are completely different like john and bob is a lot easier for me than remembering names that rhyme like Feli and Keli. Another reason that I think it is so hard for me is because of the simple fact that there are so many of them. 13 is much more than one or two which is the usual number of main characters in the books I read. When ever I try and count them I end up skipping two or three, and never knowing which ones. Maybe if I followed along in my copy it would help me comprehend. Any way, just because I get confused doesn't mean I don't like the book. In fact I think it has a great plot line, and very enjoyable.

  10. I think The Hobbit is a great book. It has a good plot, interesting words and characters, and thrilling. What makes it so outstanding is 1, it's not a story you hear every day, so it's not boring from hearing it a ton. Reason 2 is that it is very suspenseful, like when Bilbo is in the barrel. You know that they're going to attack or something, but not exactly all of the details. I agree with Ethan because sometimes using your sketch to stretch loses your focus. A book to follow along with would make it easier to comprehend. I think The Hobbit is an amazing book, and finally one that I like.

  11. The book The Hobbit is a good book so far. When I tried reading it last year i found myself bored to death, but when maggie read she uses different voices that made the story WAY more exciting!
    My favorite character is Bofer because his name is is really cool, and because he seems way more brave and adventurous then the rest of the troop besides Bilbo and Thorin.
    I hope the rest of the book is just as interesting as the beginning!

  12. The Hobbit is a great book to read at any age. It's got colorful illustrations and even a map to follow the journey. With fun filled chapters you'll want to keep reading it!
    The book is about a hobbit named Bilbo who sets of on an adventure of a lifetime. Traveling with thirteen dwarfs on a single quest, to defeat the evil dragon named Smaug.
    My favorite charecter is Norry, he's one of the... wait a sec, you're going to read the book to find out who he is.
    From daring escapes to comfronting the dragon the hobbit is the BEST book to read anywhere.

  13. The Hobbit is a really good so far, and is hopefully going to be at least as good the end, and I think it is going to be as good, because in almost every book the end is much better than the beginning, it's like they don't even try at the beginning of the book and they try really hard at the end of the book. My favorite charecter is Bofur, I'm not sure it's him but he's the one who was really fat and he always got punished by the bad guys, I think he has terrible luck. I would give the Hobbit 9.9 out of 10.

  14. After a long while of people thinking I'm strange because I havn't seen the Lord of the Rings and then hearing that we were going to read the hobbit I thought maybe if all these people liked the Lord of the Rings then I would like the hobbit. Well guess what? I was right. What I like in a book iis that you can easily picture in your mind whats happening to the character and thats ecxactly what happened in this book. The giant spiders, wow did they give me creepy pictures, lets just say I'm on Bilbo's side, the side that says I don't like spiders. I think Smog, the dragon, even though he is the bad guy is beautiful. In the drawings I have seen on the cover he is as magnificent as the author, and Bilbo describe yet I like how at the same time he is evil, beautiful and evil, reminds me of some people I know or knew. As you can see from my post, I like the hobbit and will probably see the Lord of the Rings soon.

  15. I admit that when Maggie first started reading the Hobbit to us, I had my head down and wasn't paying attention. On the second day, I decided to give it a try. It was completely worth it. I loved the book with every aspect, from the crashed party in Hobbiton(at the beginning) to escaping the elves inside barrels(in the middle). Whether you like crashing, smashing, and bashing or calm silence, there is a part in this book that is for you, whoever you are.

  16. I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of the hobbit. I dont really like all that stuff about goblins and wolves. The parts I do like are that its an adventure book which I think is OK. I do not like the story line very much and thats one of the reasons I'm not a big fan of the book. Even though I don't like the book very much I cant stop reading the book. The book is really hard to understand and I keep on getting confused on who some of the charactors ar in the book. All the dwarves names sound pretty much the same and I think thats kind of annoying. Over all I think this book is good for some people but not for me.

  17. Hello, Maggie is reading the Hobit. The Hobit is a classic book and the reason I really like is because it has a lot of action.
    I like how Bilbo Bagons goes on a adventure all through Mirkwood.
    My favorite charictor in the Hobit is Golume. Because all the riddles he tells to Bilbo are very interesting and the way he talks to himself is very funny.
    Overall the Hobit is a great book.

  18. Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Thorin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Dori, Nori, Ori, and of course, Bilbo the hobbit. So far I think this book is great. It is not only thrilling and exciting, but also sneaky and mysterious. From dwarfs to trolls to elves, this book has it all. From swords to rhymes to rings this book is the best! At first, when Maggie announced we were going to be reading The Hobbit in class, I wasn't so sure it was my kind of book. But when Maggie started reading it, I liked it a lot.

    My favorite characters are Fili and Kili because they are always so active and ready to go. They are the youngest, so it makes sense. They are also very smart , enthusiastic, and supportive. I also like Gandolf. He is a very wise and bright wizard. The stuff he can do with the fire works are cool, too.

    I've seen the first Lord Of The Rings and the book is a whole lot better. Even though they are not that much alike, I still like The Hobbit a whole lot better. Anyways, back to the book. I recommend this book to anybody who likes action, awkward creatures, and swords. And to all of those girls, it might sound more like a boy book, but I think it is okay for both genders. So if you ever, ever need an extreme, breath- taking, page- turner novel, this is the one to pick up and start reading.

  19. The Hobbit. It is one of my favorite books so far - which is a lot to say for someone like me -, because all it takes to disappear into the pages is to close your eyes, and clear all thoughts from your mind. When I first opened the bent old copy of this book and read, I didn't like it. Well, i did, but it was too confusing, so I gave up on it. But then, I found out Maggie was doing it as a read aloud, and I was quite happy, since Maggie is a great reader, and always understand stories better when they are read out loud. I really enjoyed the tale of Bilbo, Thorin, Oin Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, and Ori as they departed on an adventure to save a lost kingdom's gold, and rob from one of the most feared creatures in the magical world of hobbits, elves, trolls, dwarves, fire- breathing dragons, barrel-riders, and Burglars. It's almost like you can hear th ebook on the shelf, singing to you, beggign you to pick it up and crack it open.'Cause after all, that's what books do !

  20. Frist the Hobbit can be a VERY difficult book to read or even lisen to. So you really have to pay attention to where they are, who there with, and how they got there. The language gets harder to understand, but after a while you kind of get used to the language.
    This book is pretty intertaning in a lot of ways, first that it has so much adventure like when they are getting hunted by the dragon. The 2nd reason is that it is full of lot's of thing's to think about like when our teacher Maggie stops in the middle of a chapter and we ask her to keep reading and she can't I am always thinking what's going to happen next.
    This book is perficed for a person who loves to read long books that are intertaning which are packed full of adventure. This book is FABULOIUS!!!!!!!!! So go to your local book store grab it, buy it, sit on a comfy chair and read it!

  21. I think that The Hobbit is a very fun book, considering that it is so descriptive and the riddles are very good. The book is an adventure book, and out of 10, I would rate it 9.990453. This book is very well written, and is a very great book. The way it is written makes you want to read more and more. Also, some versions of this book have illustrations that are really great. The cool thing though, is that there are so many characters, but only enough to remember. :)

  22. I think that The Hobbit is a really good book. It is also very fun, and it constantly has a new adventure which I think is really good because one thing never gets boring, because it never stops being exciting and heart stopping. It can make you jump at any time at all and if you aren't ready for it, then it can give you a scare. But at some points I was thinking "Oh poor Bilbo Beggins, he is taken from his home and he has become a leader and I never thought that that little hobbit would make such a good leader, or figure out riddles that nobody has ever done before. And there is always some type of monster like a giant spider or a dragon, or the water elves that live in the forest.
    Also I like how the dwarves have there own personality and sometimes there happy and sometimes there angry or tired or hungry, some shake it off and keep going, but others complain and be dramatic. Like Feli and Keli are usually happy and they don't complain about any decisions that Bilbo makes. And then there is fat Dwalin who always wants to sleep and always complains about being the last one because he is the heaviest and he will take the longest.
    Sometimes Bilbo is a secret keeper which makes me more eager to read on and keep going. And I will think, what will he do next, what will he say. Will he skip whatever topic that the secret is on? And then I can picture the hobbit, feeling uncomfortable around the subject that he's keeping a secret in. Will the dwarves find out about his secrets? What will they do? What will they think? What kind of emotions will they have on the subject? Is anybody else keeping secrets? My questions fill my head. What will happen? I must go on!

  23. It isn't Dwalin that is lazy and fat it is Bolfur


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