Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch

The Last Apprentice Revenge of the Witch is the best "ghosty-ooh-scary-monster-flesh-ripping-evil-crazy" book that I've ever read .  A lot of those pointlessly scary violent books are just stupid and I'm just left there thinking, "Why did I just waste my time reading a pointlessly scary violent book that gave me nightmares and I didn't even give a darn. What the HECK!?" I sure have felt that way before. And then I think, "Why did I even keep reading it in the first place?"

But in Revenge of the Witch it's more like, "Ooh, scary, but what detail! I can actually pay a good amount of attention so that when people ask me 'Hey, have you read The Last Apprentice Revenge of the Witch? Cool! Did you like it?' I can say, ' Yeah, and I liked it so much that I didn't dunk my head in bucket of nails like I did the last time I read a really stupid scary violent book!' "

1 comment:

  1. Griff--

    You really captured what it feels like to read a book and then wonder why the heck you read it.

    "...dunk my head in a bucket of nails..." -- I get it!


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