Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Penderwicks

The Penderwicks is about 4 sisters who go to a cottage with their dad. Then they bump into a boy and the boy gets a very bad impression about them. 
I really like this book because it has a lot of emotion and I can really tell what the characters are feeling. I ask myself a lot of questions when I read it such as, "How could that happen?" and "Why did she/he do that?  Couldn't she/he have done this or that?"  I also like how the author makes every sister have a very different personality.
You should try this book!


  1. Darian, I love that book! Who is your favorite character? I like Sky the best. I like her because of how adventurous she is.

  2. The Penderwicks

    I already have a post on the Penderwicks, so I am adding a comment.

    The Penderwicks is a very happy book. It has a good plot, a lot of description, and a lot of emotion and you can really tell what the characters are feeling. Often I would feel bad or happy for the characters. When I felt bad it was usually because someone in the story had made a bad choice and kept making bad choices and then regretted it. That reminded me of myself a little. When I felt happy for the characters it was often because they had just solved a problem. The voice in my head told my plenty of things like:
    "Gosh these girls are in big trouble now"! "I am glad I have a sister". and "I would never have done that!" During the story the sisters often got into a lot of trouble. In the story the boy they met was an only child. The author described his life and I felt happy to have a sister. One of the characters in the story did a lot
    of things that I would never have done. I would never have even thought about doing them. What that character did also surprised me in some ways. All the sisters have very different personalities .
    It is funny how they got along. Every sister thought about people differently.

  3. Your post really highlighted your thinking! Good job. Your post is also very tantalizing because you suggest events caused by bad choices and refer to characters who are going to get in big trouble. It makes me want to read the book!


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