Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Way We Work

The Way We Work is a new book by David Macaulay. I started on it on the 5th. It is in the same series as The Way Things Work and The New Way Things Work. From the point I am at, the book looks interesting.

It is a book about the body systems and what they do. It is a book about DNA and how it helps to have it. It is a book that has a first part about atoms and molecules. It is a book for people who have never learned about any of the body's many parts, from cells to systems. I do not know much about it now because I am on page 41 out of 230.

One of the things I like about the book is the cover. The letters look like important parts of the body. For example, the W in We looks like some arm bones in the shape of a W.


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