Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Omnivore's Dilemma

I am reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan, and so far it is a great book. There are so many things in this book that a lot of other people probably would not know. For example, who knew that corn is in every single thing we eat? When I say that, I don't just mean corn and things with corn syrup, I mean everything! If someone wants a book that does not tell a story, but instead has a lot of interesting facts and is fun, but not too easy to read, this is definitely the book for them! All I know, is that it was definitely the book for me. In fact, every chapter's title sounded like something I would want to know about--every time I got to a chapter, I read the title and just said to myself, this sounds so interesting!

The other thing about this book is that it doesn't really leave anything out when it's talking about something in a chapter. For instance, every time I had a question that I did not remember reading in the book, in the next two or three sentences it answered my question. Also, if more people decide to read this book, it may change the way we eat and it might change the way we look at food, and if it does that our diets are going to be much healthier in the future! So, by just reading this book you can become healthier and happier in your life! That's something that I think the author did a good job on.

This author also uses evidence from his own life. For example, he talks about the times when his family went to fast food places and what they ate there and other things like that. Another thing I like, and probably many other people would like about this author, is that he makes the reader, which in this case me, feel like I'm really in the story sitting next to him as he tells it to me. This is something lots of authors probably do, but what this author does, is that he tells where he got his information after he makes a statement about something.

I find this helpful, because if I wanted to know more then what he's told me about that topic, I can either buy the book he got the information from or go to the website he got used. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be a food detective and know the secrets behind what they eat.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, thoughtful post, Olivia! When I got this book for the class (I know you're reading your own copy), I wondered whether or not it was too advanced for 10-year-olds and if they could even begin to grasp the big idea that this book is based on. Well, you and Laudi proved that you're not afraid to tackle a meaty subject -- no pun intended!

    I think that approaching this book as a food dectective is a fantastic idea. Kudos!


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