Monday, January 7, 2008

Ellie McDoodle Have Pen,WillTravel

This book is about a girl named Ellie. Her parents have to go to a funerl out of the state. So,She and her brother Ben-Ben go with thier cousins. Deanna age 11,Eric her twin,Tiffie age 7,Aunt Mug,and Uncle Ewing. They go camping in a cabin. Ellie was not looking forward to this but she learns how to work with her anoying relitives. I would give this book a 9.


  1. why whould you give it a 9? Who's funeral is it? Is her brothers real name Ben-Ben or is it just Ben?

  2. As interesting as it sounds, I'm kinda confused.
    why is her name Ellie Mcdoodle? It is justa little confusing to me.

  3. Yeah why would you give it a nine? Is it really funny or what?


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