Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Ghost of Fossil Glen

This book may sound cheesy, but in my opinion, it is one of the best books ever. This book is about a girl, Allie, who has strange things beginning to happen to her. For example, When she needed a journal, one appeared in the mail, there was no return address. And it was all blank. But then when she leaves the book closed in her room, she comes back to find the book opened, with cursive letters that read, I am L. I think that I am L, is only part of a sentence, and it wasn't finished. Later in the story, it said that Allie found a grave stone in the same place where she had first had these strange happenings occur (Fossil Glen), that said R.I.P Lucy. It think that The words that she found in her notebook, I am L, will be finished and end up saying I am Lucy. She also has been hearing voices, but I don't want to give away to much of the story.

When i read this book, there are many thoughts in my head that are related to the story. I have never gotten lost in this book, that is how good it is! I haven't gotten very far, but I am itching to read more! This book has great detail.

I think that The Ghost of Fossil Glen is a good book to read because it ties into real life, like, Allie has some friend troubles. For example, some of Allies friends were talking about her behind her back, and Allie finds out. And you will have to find out what happens. This book is not all friend troubles, and stuff like that, it is mostly mystery. This book is so great!


  1. Okay, I confess, I am a mystery junkie. I love mysteries. It may be my favorite genre, especially once I get hooked on an author.

    I think that when a mystery story ties into real-life problems that we all experience, it makes it even more engrossing (that's a good thing -- look it up) because it makes the story more believable.

  2. sweet post!!! Right after I read your post I toatally changed my mind about The Ghost Of Fossil Glen. At frst it looked like to me that it was a cheezy of-beat cheap piece of junk, but now oh NOW.

  3. That was the same with me, nikita. i saw the cover of this book, and said, "no way am I reading this! It looks so cheesey!" But then Jane said that this book was great! So i decided that i would give it a go, and i ended up loving it!


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