Thursday, January 24, 2008


Salamandastron is a book in the series called Redwall, and like many books I read it's perfect for me.And I'm downright happy with that!  Something unique about Redwall(the series)all the characters are animals, such as Hares, Mice, shrews, Toads, Rats, Weasels, stoats, and Ferrets!  Salamandasron is a huge mountain that has a big castle carved into it, it holds a large fighting Badger(Badgers, for the most part are fierce warriers) and about forty fighting Hares armed with javelins, bows, and speares.  I would rate this book a 10!


  1. What are you thinking about when you read?

  2. I'm also reading Salamandastron at the moment. Like all Redwall books it has a horrible amount of suspense. Why someone is about to die or something big is happening it can be cut down to a few sentences worth of information missing. The other problem is that there are about 4 different battles events or groups of people that are going on in the book so it takes a while to get back to a certain subject. It can be so angering I just fell like screaming! I love this series though, and as usual I love this book. For some reason the death and violence isn't so bad for me like some is. The suspense does make it quite good and it just keeps me into it. It’s also interesting how more and more friends are made and help out with the quest. For someone who likes action and battle, this is a book for you.


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