Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Wednesday Wars, by Gary Schmidt

Mrs. Ritter put this book in my hands last week -- and when she recommends a book, it's always good!  Last summer she loaned me Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, another book by the same author, and I enjoyed it tremendously.  

Both books require a good amount of background knowledge, which might make them tricky reading for 5th graders.  But for those of you who know a little bit about the sixties (Vietnam, VW buses, Martin Luther King, Jr.), the time in which the story takes place will make sense to you.

This is also a good book for anyone who enjoys Shakespeare and might have a particular interest in learning some of Caliban's curses!  I give this book a hearty 8.5 rating.  


  1. Not every good book is a 10. I've been talking about how we need to use our rating scale with discrimination; a book can be really, really, good, but not one of the best I ever read: those are a 10.

  2. Doese this book have shakspeare laugh? Why whould you rate this a 8.2? I agree to that every book Mrs. Ritter puts in your hands is a good book!


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