Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mariel of Redwall

Mariel of Redwall is just another one of those Redwall books, though it's the one where I finaly realized the authors skill!  I know I've just been telling you how good they are for the past few blogs on this series, and I feel really bad about that, so I'll try to do better this time.  Anyway, back to Mariel of Redwall, While I was reading this book the voice in my head was saying, ''wow, this author is an incredible poet, songwriter, and overall storyteller!  As the rating goes on the cover, "Grand storytelling"!  Something to add to all this is that all of the books are full to the brim with beautiful poems, some of wich are similiar to the poem you can find in our social studies books on page 3.


  1. I like how you dident just say you liked it, you said what you liked about the auther and the book.

  2. I agree with Dan. I loved the amazing amount of detail you put in your latest post. And of course, all of it is completely accurate with no exaggeration. You explained it so well you didn’t need a rating. By the way, how many Redwall books have you read?

  3. Max, first of all, thank you for comenting on my post and I totally agree with you.
    I'd give you a solid 10 for the rating.
    To answer your question I've read 4 (in order).


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