Thursday, February 7, 2008


Rules is a book about a girl whos little brother suffers from a disease that makes him really babyish and even grownups can have it. She loves her little brother but she is embarrassed at him and is over helpful and over protective to him. She has a friend in a wheel chair that she likes but she is embarrassed of him too. This shows that you do not have to be embarrassed over things you like. I would give this book a 9 because it was really good but it could use more action.


  1. Why is she embarrassed? What is the disease called that her brother has? Will he have it forever? Have any of these questions been answered?

  2. This book seems sad, but interesting. Its so sad how so many diseases are getting spread around the world. I saw Darian reading this and I thought it had a big fish part in it.(because of the cover.) I havn't read this but now I know what this is about. Great post.

  3. I have read rules and I think that you have made a very good post about it.

  4. Darian and I have also made posts on this book. I think that the girl is really jealous fo her brother some times.

  5. i liked how you explaind your thinking which can be hard some times


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