Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bartlaby of the Mighty Mississippi

For a short summary, Bartleby is a book about a turtle who dreams of swimming in flowing waters, but he is only a mere pet. One day he is forgotten in a pond and he soon makes a whole bunch of friends. One day he meets a crocodile. The crocodile came from the Mississippi and it wants to eat bartleby because it reminds the crocodile of the turtles in the one good home it had been in before he was taken away. The little turtle did the only thing he could think of and he tells the crocodile that he might know the way back to the Mississippi. Then they go on a big adventure to find it. When bartleby left the pond, it was a little sad because he had made so many great friends and had so much fun with them. Bartleby can barely swim in the fast areas of the steam, so I don't see why he would bother to join the crocodile. The book is a fun book to read. It's low beat but it keeps me quite interested. I'd give it a 9.


  1. Max,

    What was the voice in your head saying when you read this book. Give me some more here, please.

  2. At one point when bartleby was in the pond I started to hope to myself that he wouldn't leave. He seemed so content there that he shouldn't have left. Part of me was hoping that the crocodile would just leave or eat someone else. Of course another part of me was telling myself that it wasn't so compassionate to let someone else die or get eaten just so I (in this case bartleby) could live a happy life. I hate deciding. Before I couldn't really think of something to talk about without giving the story away.

  3. BTW, how many times have you done that same message? The first 2 posts I saw right after I left this post had the same exact identical comment.

  4. Ah, the joys of cut-in-paste! Seems like a few people needed to receive the same message, so I was just -- um -- being efficient.

    Kudos, however, on your powers of deduction and your in-depth perusal of the site!


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