Tuesday, January 8, 2008


In my opinion Redwall is a huge book series devoted to furry little woodland creatures with swords.  I for one love it all!  Redwall is actually a fortified Abbey, ( a sort of church with a farm and the accasional weapon storage).  My favorite character is a rabbit named Basil, he uses his long back leggs to kick enemy rats away.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard from my Nonny that the Redwall series were very good. She teaches fifth grade so I almost always take her advice. Like, she was the one who suggested his dark materials (the Golden Compass etc.) to me. She's always saying "Oh, have you ever read _________, my kids LOVE _________! You should put that on your book list!" Was it like ancient war personified into animals? Were they fighting over some sort of magic or something? And what was it rated? Was it 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade reading? Keep me posted.

    Meaty enough for ya Maggie?


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