Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sheep and Goat

If you saw a book called Sheep and Goat would you want to read it? I thought that sounds like a stupid book. Then when I picked it up and read the first page I said wow this book is actually good. Now I learned two things when I read this book. The first thing I learned was this sheep was really rude to the goat and they went through problems like people do. They show how they would solve it and I was thinking "you know this really makes you think of your life and your own problems". The second thing it taught me was that you never judge a book by its cover or its title. I rate this book a 7 because it kind of gives you help on your life.

1 comment:

  1. Shanna,

    I like how you wrote about how your first impression of the book wasn't accurate. I hate when that happens, because I like to think of myself as someone who is very open to a wide variety of books and not overly influenced by covers or titles. On the other hand, I love when this happens because then I have discovered a wonderful book.


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