Monday, January 7, 2008


I loved this book! It is not only funny, but it has many good points. For example, never give up, don't forget about your old friends, be true to what you feel, and just be yourself. I would give this book a 9 or a 10, (I cant decide.) This book was so funny! It is about 2 girls in middle school. A lot happens in this book, like, losing one of her best friends to the "Chicas." Also, crashing a Bar Mitzvah, and plus, there was a little bit or drama. In this book, it seems like everyone tries so hard to be cool, and liked. Even though that is not very important. I hope you consider reading this book! It is so great!


  1. Zoe, I read a book that I think is a seque to this book called You are so not invited to my Bat Mizvah. By the same auther and I really want to read We are so crashing your Bar Miztvah.

  2. I saw it at the book fair and it looked really good! It's one of my books in for reading. Do you know if they have it at the libary?

  3. Who are the chicas? Are they the popular girls? Are they nice or mean? Does the girl having the Bat Mitzvah like them?


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