Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley

This is my favorite series because it is so exciting to read, and once you start you can't stop. It is all about two orphaned sisters Daphne who is 7 and Sabrina who is 11, and they solve mysteries. My favorite character is Daphne because her sister is sometimes really negative and Daphne is mostly always positive. They live in the world where all the fairytale citizens live, Fairyport Landing. Some of the citizens are Snow White, Goldilocks, Prince Charming and a bunch more. I am not going to tell you any more about this story so you can find out for yourself. 

Some reasons why I like this series are, like I said before, it's very exciting, very unpredictable and complete action. I would recommend this series to people who like a bit of scariness, action and a lot of mystery. I relate to Sabrina the most because sometimes I can get grouchy when things don't go my way. Though I think I can be just like Daphne to. In each book they solve a different mystery.

1 comment:

  1. Which character, Daphne or Sabrina, do you relate to most, and why?


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