Monday, April 20, 2009

Life of Pi (Matteo and Ethan)


  1. I really like this book. It is about a boy named Pi. He is very religious. He was born Hindu, and now is also Muslim and Christian. (Pi decides to learn as many religions as he can, Because he doesn’t know which is the best one for him.) His father owns a zoo, and it is not having the best business. His parents decide to move to Canada. Half way through the Pacific the ship sinks. Pi is thrown into a life boat. He sees the zoo’s tiger in the water, and tries to help it by getting it to the boat. Other animals get on the boat too.
    One reason I really like this book is because the author tricks you into thinking it is completely normal when Pi helps save the tiger. I only realized the irony of his situation when Pi states what he did wrong, and how foolish he was to have gotten a 450 pound Bengal tiger on his boat. I really think that things like that are great in a book.
    Another thing I really liked about the book was that after Pi gets him on the boat we don’t hear anything about the tiger for over 35 pages. Instead we hear about how the hyena killed the zebra. I liked this because I almost forgot about the tiger, and than, BAM! the tiger makes his appearance. Life of Pi has many things that don’t make sense at first, but later do. I think that makes a book very interesting.
    Life of Pi is a really complex book. It is a hard read with a great story line, and I highly recommend it.

  2. So far I think the book Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, is a very good book. The only part that I found boring was the beginning when Yann writes about different times in Pi's life. I think the part in the book when the three religious leaders meet with Pi's parents at the same exact time, and they argue about which religion is the best, is really funny. Pi is an average kid although his dad owns a zoo. His dad's business isn't going so well so they decide to move to
    Winnipeg. On the boat ride there, the boat sinks and Pi gets stuck on a life boat with a Bengal Tiger, a Spotted Hyena, a Zebra with a broken leg, and an Orangutan. I like how in the book, you read that something is happening, and later you find out that it is not what you thought it was. This book is high on the confusing factor in the beginning but low in the boring factor in the middle/end. I would recommend this book to anyone.

  3. Dear Mr. Kumar,
    You were only a minor character in this story, and yet you were one of my favorite characters. In the book, Pi met three people who taught him about religion, but I liked you the best. Out of the three you were the only one who wasn't a professional religious leader. You were just an average person, and yet, to me you were better than the priests. You were much less pushy for Pi to follow your religion, and you taught him with a focused mind. I really admire you for that. You really lent a life to the story with all of your lessons with Pi. I am 99 percent sure that if Pi had never met you he couldn't have survived the voyage. You taught him how to think things through, and stay calm. These skills really helped him on his long trek at sea. Mr Kumar, you are a really great person with very few flaws, but that doesn't mean that I don't think there any areas you could improve in. One thing I think you should do is to make some more friends, and become a little more out going. I can tell you don't get out much because on page 60, in the middle of a conversation with Pi, you get up, grab your prayer rug, and start a ritual. If you are too busy performing ceremonies, than how are you supposed to make friends? I also know from page 58 that you are a baker, and that you spend a lot of time baking by yourself. Maybe If you took a few more days off from everything your life would become much, much less over crowded.
    You were only a minor character in this story, and yet you were one of my favorite characters. You play a large role in the first fourth of the book, and you are a good person in general.

    Ethan Rubens.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Mr. Chiba,
    In this story you weren't one of the main characters, but you are my favorite. You added humor and made me want to keep reading that part, I think the end would have been boring if you weren't in that part of the story. I think you did a wonderful job of making the very end of the book funny. You make nonsensical comments everywhere you could get one, which is always funny. I admire how you make a comment that people think isn't very funny when they hear it alone but is hilarious in the story. I appreciate how even though Mr. Okamoto told you to shut up and be quiet many times you still were funny at every opportunity you got.
    I suggest that you should have listened to Mr. Okamoto a little bit more. At one point in Pi's story you should have fallen asleep snoring and made Okamoto shake you awake, and then you should have said, "What?" Even though youre not a main charachter you are still my favorite charachter and you added a lot to the end of this book.



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