Monday, April 20, 2009

Shakespeare's Secret (Audrey, Samuel, Lily, Willzie)


  1. The book Shakespears Secret is a fantastic mystery. I don't usually read historical mysteries and I think this was a good book to get me started. this book was one of the last books I wanted to read out of our choices but now I think it is probably one of the best. the only thing is, is that I would read this book in one day if i could so it wasn't much of a challenge for me but I still like the book. I can sort of relate to the book. like I have been through some changes like Hero. my parents got divorced when I was in kindergarden and that was a pretty big change for me and Hero has had to move a lot because of her father and I have also had to move but not as far as Hero because I didn't have to change schools like her. I think i am really going to enjoy the rest of this book

  2. Hero is the new girl. The shy, curious type. She is teased at school and thinks her life is miserable. But it's really not. It's all a mystery. There is a diamond, an old lady that lives next door, and the most popular boy in school that seems to want to help solve the mystery...

    So far Shakespeare's Secret has been a fantastic book. It is a very mysterious novel. I don't usually read books in the mystery genre, I usually stay where I am, in the realistic fiction world. I'm really glad I got Shakespeare's Secret as a book club book. I never really paid much attention to mystery. But Shakespeare's Secret isn't like other mystery novels. It ties into the the time of William Shakespeare. Also, there's a thing about mystery. You just keep wanting to turn the pages until the book is over and you soon realize your at the beginning again.

    I think you have to be a really good writer to write a mystery. One thing I really like about this book is that it is very descriptive. You have to be clever, smart, and wise to write something as good as Shakespeare's Secret. Elise Broach, the remarkable author of Shakespeare's Secret really put some time into this book. Broach used a lot of description in her work. What I like about this is that it helps you understand the book better. If a book didn't have that kind of description the book would be hard to picture and it would probably be boring. I can picture this book very well because it is descriptive and it makes sense.

    I really like this book a lot so far. It makes me eager to keep turning the pages after my dad says, "lights out." This book is truly a page-turner and I really do hope you try reading this book!

  3. It may be a page turner, but it's incredibly short. The chapters are short, and there are very little chapters. I could probably read the whole thing in about 5 hours, if not for the 82 page limit for the whole book.
    All else I want to say is that it is a neat book with very original ideas.

  4. It is a different mystery book. It as meaning Shakespear's Secret.
    Elise Broach has done a good job so far. But she could make it a little bit longer . The chapters are very short and most of them are about Shakespear.
    I think Hero (main character) name has to do with the missing diamond .
    Overall I thought it would better than good and I thought actually pretty wrong more than I said earlier.
    So far the rating is 1.5 out of 4.

  5. Dear Danny,
    Do you know what I admire about you the most? I like that you are always helping Hero even though everyone else dislikes her. I like how you stand up for her, even if she's a girl. Well, you are in the eighth grade and in eighth girls and boys hang out together so it's really no big deal but still, Hero is younger than you, she is in sixth grade and kind of shy. You didn't just help Hero, you helped Mrs. Roth, too. You pulled all those weeds out of Mrs. Roth's garden. Also, you were a big help in searching for the diamond. You and Hero worked together to find it, but when you were about to leave, you asked Hero to look in one more place and there the diamond was!

    So Danny, do you see why you were such a big help? You may feel good right now, but let me tell you something, Danny. No one's perfect. What I'm trying to say is that you weren't all good and that you could improve some things. For instance, when you hung around all your friends and then Hero would come over to you and say, "I need you now," or "come on, Danny, Mrs. Roth is waiting for us," you would just say, "not now, Hero," "It's okay Hero," or some other excuse. Also, your Father is a cop, correct? And you, Danny Cordava, thinks juvenile about some things, don't you? Breaking into the school's boys bathroom after lock down to spray paint some stuff written about Hero is nice, but not in a good way.

    So, do you get the point? Your a very nice person but when it comes to things like helping out other people, you think a little differently. You need to work on thinking about problem a little less juvenile and to not be a jerk when Hero comes around and your hanging with your friends. But other than all that, you are a good person.


  6. Dear Mrs. Roth,
    You are a wonderful character in Shakespeare's Secret I admire your friendliness, and determination to find the diamond.
    Like when Hero came to your house to give you back your gardening scissors, you where very kind and generous to her and you guys became friends because of that. You were determined to find the diamond when you gave Hero all those clues about where it was hidden and when Hero and Danny had found it you were determined to keep it safe until you figured out Danny sent it to his mother aka, your daughter.
    Also, instead of keeping the marriage between you and Arthur a secret, I think you should have told Hero right off the bat that you guys were married. That wouldn't have changed the story if she knew it all along. You also never told Hero what happened between you and Arthur when you told tell her about the marriage. That would have probably helped and it also left me hanging of the edge of a cliff even at the end of the book! So I think that would have helped everyone a little bit.
    Anyway you played a very important character and you played it very well in this story and I wanted you to know that.

    Best wishes,

  7. Hey, Mr. Murphy.
    I like the fact that you yourself actually never show up in the whole book. I like that you always find a good hiding place (finding place, as you put it) no matter why. But what made me want to choose you the most is that you never put your 2nd wife down.
    I think your part on the story could improve a little more. If you actually showed up, for some reason, then that would turn the whole book upside down. If you had changed the finding place for the diamond, then the book would be longer. But do you actually know the key to Shakespeare's secret?

  8. Dear, Hero.
    I like you because you ask lots of questions and are very suspectous about the Diamond and you seem to do the right thing in practically the whole book. And you were polite to your elders in the book and you did not really flip out much in the whole book(you kept your cool).I liked how you were the main character you made the book fun.
    If you were the Narrater of the book could you maybe cut out a few of those pointless conversations that everyone has in Shakespears Secret. Although the book would be shorter but you will actually cut to the chase faster. The book would be way more exiting.


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