Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is about a simple little hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins ( small, short creature with hairy, callused feet that resembles a man ) that has never left home and has no intention of doing so. One day a wizard by the name of Gandalf comes by, talks to him and leaves.
The next day 13 dwarfs and Gandalf show up and let themselves in. They tell him that the lead dwarf's ( Throrin Oakenshield )grandfather's treasure has been stolen by a huge dragon named Smaug, and they want him to help them get it back.
Bilbo is reluctant at first, but Gandalf gives him no choice. While I was reading this I noticed how cozy and childish I felt.  This book is not confusing, but it can be if you don't pay attention.


  1. Ben,
    As I was reading your post, I was thinking to myself, "Ben's just retelling the story, he's not talking about his thinking..."

    But then I hit your one sentence that summed this book up for me: "While I was reading this I noticed how cozy and childish I felt." Wow! Maybe it's because this book means so much to me that that one sentence hit home. Tolkien's a master storyteller and this, combined with the cozy setting of The Shire, elicit in me the exact feeling you described.

    Some people think that The Hobbit is just a good adventure, but I think that you "get" the book on a much deeper level. When I read this book, I felt like I was living it.

  2. I could really picture the creature when you discribed it

  3. i really love the hobbit too it was such a good book i really like how at the beginning it was really cozy but at the end i started getting sort of scary and unsafe.

  4. This is a great book because you feel sad and scared at the same time and you are happy when they get past a problem and scared when they come to another problem. Cozy to just sit and read all day and never stop reading. Gandalf has the coolest ticks for he is a wizard and a adventurer who gets Mr. Baggins/Bilbo into going on the adventure with all the dawrfes. The adventure is a scary and thrilling to read. I would recomend this book to people who like adventure.


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