Thursday, March 20, 2008

Star Girl

I just started reading the book Star Girl. So far I love this book! The plot of this book is that there is this new girl, and she is really "weird, awkward, and different." And the book is about everything that happens when the new girl (Star Girl) comes. Now, I'm not far in this book at all, so I can't really say too much about anything.

When I read this book, I have many different voices in my head. "Why won't he put Star girl on Hot Seat?" or "I bet that at the end of this book, they will become friends," and sometimes "OH MY GOD!"

In the book, everyone says that she is so weird, but that doesn't make it right to just completely avoid her. I mean, in the book she is all alone, and nobody even wants to get close to her. But I think that they should put aside her differences, and actually get to know her before thinking of her as a "freak," or "weirdo." To me, she seems really kind and creative, but nobody will know that all because they don't like the way she dresses, or acts, and all that stupid stuff! I really hope when this book goes on, that at least someone will get to know her. Star Girl seems like a good person.


  1. Well, now that I have read more of this book, I think that its my favorite book! I love the story plot and everything.

    When I look back at my post, i predicted that at the end of the book, Star Girl and him would become friends... And i was right! But now, they are a little bit more than friends. I really think that leo is a really nice person. It seems like he doesn't care what other people think. Because he is friends with Star Girl, it seems like he is willing to give up his "cool" friends, for someone who is his real friend, and accsually cares about him. Also, since nobody will acsept Star Girl, he si getting to know her, and she is not that bad. I accsually think it would be cool to be friends with her because she is so unique. In this book, there is a big message, but it is hidden... really well!

    When i am reading this book, the voices in my head are basikly screaming, (one i got a headache from reading this book). I cnat stop thinking in this book. I think i think more in this book than in school, and thats the truth. "Is anyone going to accsept her besides Leo?" "When will she be taken seriously?" "she sounds really nice" or "OH MY GOD!" Were some of the things running through my mind.

    Well, I have to go. Bye!

  2. Rereading this, I was struck by the last line of your original post, "I really hope when this book goes on, that at least someone will get to know her." Sometimes I think that same thing about other people, or even about myself!

    I think that the best we can offer anyone is to really get to know them. I mean, sometimes what people LOOK LIKE on the outside is very different from who we really are.

    Recently, someone told me that when they first met me, they thought that I was prickly, but when they got to know me, they learned that I wasn't like that. That was one of the best compliments that I ever had because the person took the time to really get to know me.


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