Monday, March 24, 2008

Watership Down by Richard Adams

Based on stories told by the author to his kids while on long car trips, this is the story of a warren of rabbits which is forced to leave its ancestral home and their journey to find a new one. This is an epic novel full of memorable characters and a tension filled, twisting, and sometimes very humourous plot. There are heroes both reluctant and unexpected, surprise allies and a great villain. In this book, the author has created a fully imagined rabbit world complete with language, legends and religion.

Watership Down is a story of survival, heroism, trust, loyalty and how, if given a chance, anyone in a group can play an important role. Characters include Bigwig, the biggest and strongest rabbit in the group, General Woundwort, the warren arch nemesis, Kehaar, a stranger who becomes a friend, Fiver, the runt, and his brother Hazel, the smartest, who becomes something he never wanted to be, a leader.

High school literature classes study this book for the allegorical nature of its plot, but you can enjoy it as a great story.  This book was made into a very good animated film, but read the book first. I have a copy if anyone wants to borrow it.


  1. This is one of my all-time favorite books because the world that the author created is so real. If you love books about animals or make-believe worlds, you won't be able to put this book down.

  2. I have read this book and I totaly agree with your post. This is a great book though it might be a little advanced. Thanks!


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