Monday, March 3, 2008

The Mistmantle Chronicles, Urchin of the Riding Stars

This book is about a young squirrel named Urchin who's mother gave birth to him and died. Urchin has different fur then the other squirrels from Mistmantle. But nobody knows who his mother was, or where she came from. Urchin was raised by a sweet, dull-headed squirrel named Apple. But Urchin longs to be a castle squirrel, and even more to be Captain Crispin's page. Captain Crispin is one of the three castle captains. One day Crispin chooses Urchin to be his page. That's when Urchin finally gets to be a tower squirrel. But just then, strange things start happening in the castle. This book really gets you into the story. At one point I got so scared I started shaking. That's really rare for me. The voices in my head were saying stuff like, " ooh, this is freaky" and "You're so close to solving the mystery!". This book really got me into the story and I never wanted to stop reading it. This book is the first of two and I would rate it a 9.


  1. It's just a little boring in only one part. But for a whole book to just have one bad part is really good.


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