Monday, November 26, 2007

The End of The Beginning

The End Of The Beginning is a good book but it is an easy read. When I first picked up this book it looked really childish to me, like a 1st or 2nd grade book but i was wrong, this book is about how two not so good friends go on an adventure and get lost, a lot. I would recommend this book to kids or people that enjoy easy reads and books about weird things like animals talking but I wont give all of it away to the people that want to read the book. I would have to give this book a 9 1/2 because it a little to easy for me but I enjoyed the book. I have never read another book by the author but I can not tell you who the author is because I forget his name but I know for a fact that i have never read another book by him.
-Maddy DeCarlo


  1. I LOVE THIS BOOK! Also Maddy, I think the book is about friendship too. The snail and ant become friends. I need to read this book again. Its so good.

  2. Ive read this book twice and I really liked it because they are not the brightest insects. (kind of dumb) they come up with crazy things.


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