Thursday, November 29, 2007


I read a book called The Titanic. About 1 year ago I wen't to a museum that was called The Titanic. It was nothing like the book. The book is kind of scare because the Titanic crasses in to an ice barge. But there is only 2 life boats. So Ruth was the last kid on thye secont life boat. Her family got oin the first life boat. Her and her family had to go to New York because her brother Richered was sick. I wish the Titanic didn't crash in to the ic e barge. I feel very sorry for the people who pased away. Some scientes found part of the Titanic in the ocean.


  1. This book sounds very interesting.Is this book historical fiction or fiction? Did going to the museum help you understand the book better? Who is the author of The Titanic? Would it help to have a lot of background knowledge or can you read it with a little background knowledge? Do you think that kids in our class would the book?

  2. I went to the museum too and I've read lots of books about the Titanic. But I don't remember it having 2 lifeboats. I remember it having not enough lifeboats but a lot more than 2. First class had all the lifeboats so they boarded first. The reason so many people in Economy died was because they didn't have a chance to get on the lifeboats.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dakota great book it sounds like! If you could tell a little more about what you think? It sounds very interesting and good.


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