Monday, October 13, 2008

Eagle Strike

I am currently reading Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz, I'm reading it specifically because I'm trying to go through all of the Alex Rider books. I wanted to do this because when I started reading Point Blanc by Anthony Horowitz I loved the book so much that I had to read the rest so I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

I am enjoying this book so far because it you are always wondering what Alex Rider is going to do in the situation you're thinking about, but the Alex Rider books can have some violence so you're wondering how he can save his life. What I also like about these books is that I have found that in books when its a bit scary and has some violence, I actually like it, but don't take me the wrong way I don't like violence but in books it makes it very exciting and challenges me as a reader. Yet another thing I like about the Alex Rider books is the gadgets, I personally love spies! The gadgets are cool and I wish I could have stuff like them. But in this book as he is not working for the MI6 when he meets the villain he had no gadgets but I bet he will soon!

In the Alex Rider books I admire Sabina, the whole romance of the book. What I admire about her is she is very mature and athletic, with a good sense of humor, which I always like in a character. I also admire the main character, Alex, who is also very athletic, mature,and has a good sense of humor but what I like about him most is he is a secret agent working for the MI6.
I would recommend this to anyone who likes gadgets and spies, and books that at some points you just cannot put down.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Millie,
    Eagle Strike sounds like a graet book to read. I like to read about violence because it is always quite exititing and perilous. I also love to read about spies and spying because it makes me feel like I am part of the story, and gets me wondering what is going to happen next.


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