Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chasing Vermeer

I am reading the book called Chasing Vermeer. Ever since I started reading it, i didn't want to stop. this book is an adventurous, mystery and has an unpredictable plot. Chasing Vermeer is a book about 3 kids who receive a strange letter saying that they have been chosen to solve a mystery. (Since I am not very far in this book, i have only learned about 2 of the 3 kids.) A young girl has been chosen, she is in middle school, and is not very social. Her name is Petra. another kid, is Calendar, he is friendly boy in Petra's class, he and Petra are also neighbors. Although, Petra seems to think that Calendar is weird. I really recommend reading this book. Its a fun book, filled with excitement.
http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0439372941.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg -Zoe


  1. You are getting pretty fancy with your posts! Nice job adding the image.

  2. I read that book too! I really recomend it.

  3. Nick (aka piko) -- Why do you recommend it? I know you have very good taste in books, but can you give us some specifics?

  4. I recomend it because it has a lot of adventure and mystery. And a lot of kids at ages 8-11 like mystery or adventure.


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