Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuck Everlasting

To start off, I am going to judge this book by it's cover. When you pick up this book, you probably will think to yourself, ''This looks really boring.'' And set it down, but I am here to change your point of view. When I first picked up this book, I thought the exact same thing and set it down. A year later, I picked up the book again and thought the same thing. This year, for my birthday, my sisters game me all the books they liked from when they were my age. My sister Zoe gave me lots of incredible books, and so did my sister Ella. But my sister Ella also gave me Tuck Everlasting. Of course, since I read all of Zoe's books, and most of Ella's books I had to read Tuck Everlasting or it would be offensive. When I read the first couple of pages I still thought it was boring, but I kept telling myself I had to read it. When I got to about the middle of the book I got really intrigued. Because there is this kind of water that the Tuck family found that can make you last forever, and one of the sons Jesse was telling Winnie that when she was 17, she should drink some of the water and then they can get married and live forever. But the whole story has a catch to it, it sturns out that it is really miserable after you drink the water because you live forever but you will always stay whatever age you were when you drank the water. I would give this book an 8 because it's really good, but it doesn't get very good untill the middle.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yea.The only thing is you should save the ending for the people who haven't read it before, shhhh :-)


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